Livox SDK API  V2.2.0
fmt::v5::internal Namespace Reference


class  add_thousands_sep
struct  ansi_color_escape
class  arg_converter
class  arg_formatter_base
class  arg_map
struct  arg_ref
struct  auto_id
class  basic_buffer
struct  basic_data
class  char_converter
struct  char_counter
class  char_specs_checker
struct  char_t
struct  char_traits
struct  char_traits< char >
struct  char_traits< wchar_t >
struct  checked
struct  checked_args
struct  chrono_format_checker
struct  chrono_formatter
struct  color_type
struct  conditional_helper
class  container_buffer
class  context_base
class  counting_iterator
class  cstring_type_checker
class  custom_formatter
struct  custom_value
class  decimal_formatter
class  decimal_formatter_null
struct  dummy_int
struct  dummy_string_view
struct  dynamic_format_specs
class  dynamic_specs_handler
struct  error_handler
struct  fill
class  float_type_checker
class  format_string_checker
struct  format_type
class  formatbuf
class  fp
struct  function
struct  gen_digits_params
struct  get_type
struct  id_adapter
struct  init
struct  int_checker
struct  int_checker< true >
struct  int_traits
class  int_type_checker
struct  is_integer
class  is_like_std_string
 Return true value if T has std::string interface, like std::string_view. More...
struct  is_like_std_string< fmt::basic_string_view< Char > >
class  is_output_iterator
struct  is_range_
class  is_streamable
struct  is_string
struct  is_string< const std::FILE * >
struct  is_string< std::FILE * >
class  is_zero_int
struct  it_category
struct  it_category< T * >
struct  it_category< T, typename void_< typename T::iterator_category >::type >
class  locale_ref
struct  make_unsigned_or_bool
struct  make_unsigned_or_bool< bool >
struct  named_arg
struct  named_arg_base
struct  needs_conversion
struct  no_formatter_error
struct  no_thousands_sep
struct  null
class  null_terminating_iterator
struct  precision_adapter
class  precision_checker
struct  prettify_handler
class  printf_precision_handler
class  printf_width_handler
struct  result_of
struct  result_of< F(Args...)>
class  specs_checker
class  specs_handler
class  specs_setter
struct  string_value
struct  test_stream
class  truncating_iterator
class  truncating_iterator< OutputIt, std::false_type >
class  truncating_iterator< OutputIt, std::true_type >
class  truncating_iterator_base
class  value
struct  void_
struct  width_adapter
class  width_checker


typedef basic_buffer< char > buffer
typedef basic_buffer< wchar_t > wbuffer
typedef std::conditional< sizeof(long)==sizeof(int), int, long long >::type long_type
typedef std::conditional< sizeof(unsigned long)==sizeof(unsigned), unsigned, unsigned long long >::type ulong_type
typedef std::numeric_limits< internal::dummy_intfputil
typedef basic_data data


enum  numeric_system { numeric_system::standard, numeric_system::alternative }
enum  type {
  none_type, named_arg_type, int_type, uint_type,
  long_long_type, ulong_long_type, bool_type, char_type,
  last_integer_type = char_type, double_type, long_double_type, last_numeric_type = long_double_type,
  cstring_type, string_type, pointer_type, custom_type
enum  { max_packed_args = 15 }
enum  : unsigned long long { is_unpacked_bit = 1ull << 63 }


template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char * parse_chrono_format (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Int >
int to_int (Int value)
template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape< Char > make_foreground_color (internal::color_type foreground) throw ()
template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape< Char > make_background_color (internal::color_type background) throw ()
template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape< Char > make_emphasis (emphasis em) throw ()
template<typename Char >
void fputs (const Char *chars, FILE *stream) throw ()
void fputs< wchar_t > (const wchar_t *chars, FILE *stream) throw ()
template<typename Char >
void reset_color (FILE *stream) throw ()
void reset_color< wchar_t > (FILE *stream) throw ()
template<typename T >
std::add_rvalue_reference< T >::type declval () throw ()
template<typename Int >
std::make_unsigned< Int >::type to_unsigned (Int value)
template<typename Container >
Container & get_container (std::back_insert_iterator< Container > it)
dummy_string_view to_string_view (...)
bool is_integral (type t)
bool is_arithmetic (type t)
template<typename Context , typename T >
basic_format_arg< Context > make_arg (const T &value)
template<typename C >
init< C, int, bool_typemake_value (bool val)
template<typename C >
init< C, int, int_typemake_value (short val)
template<typename C >
init< C, unsigned, uint_typemake_value (unsigned short val)
template<typename C >
init< C, int, int_typemake_value (int val)
template<typename C >
init< C, unsigned, uint_typemake_value (unsigned val)
template<typename C >
init< C, long_type,(sizeof(long)==sizeof(int)?int_type:long_long_type) > make_value (long val)
template<typename C >
init< C, ulong_type,(sizeof(unsigned long)==sizeof(unsigned)?uint_type:ulong_long_type) > make_value (unsigned long val)
template<typename C >
init< C, long long, long_long_typemake_value (long long val)
template<typename C >
init< C, unsigned long long, ulong_long_typemake_value (unsigned long long val)
template<typename C >
init< C, int, int_typemake_value (signed char val)
template<typename C >
init< C, unsigned, uint_typemake_value (unsigned char val)
template<typename C , typename Char >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename C::char_type, Char >::value, init< C, int, char_type > >::type make_value (Char val)
template<typename C >
std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename C::char_type, char >::value, init< C, int, char_type > >::type make_value (char val)
template<typename C >
init< C, double, double_typemake_value (float val)
template<typename C >
init< C, double, double_typemake_value (double val)
template<typename C >
init< C, long double, long_double_typemake_value (long double val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const typename C::char_type *, cstring_typemake_value (typename C::char_type *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const typename C::char_type *, cstring_typemake_value (const typename C::char_type *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const signed char *, cstring_typemake_value (signed char *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const signed char *, cstring_typemake_value (const signed char *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const unsigned char *, cstring_typemake_value (unsigned char *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const unsigned char *, cstring_typemake_value (const unsigned char *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >, string_typemake_value (basic_string_view< typename C::char_type > val)
template<typename C >
init< C, basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >, string_typemake_value (typename basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >::type val)
template<typename C >
init< C, basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >, string_typemake_value (const std::basic_string< typename C::char_type > &val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const void *, pointer_typemake_value (void *val)
template<typename C >
init< C, const void *, pointer_typemake_value (const void *val)
template<typename C , typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, typename C::char_type >::value >::type make_value (const T *)
template<typename C , typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value &&convert_to_int< T, typename C::char_type >::value, init< C, int, int_type > >::type make_value (const T &val)
template<typename C , typename T , typename Char = typename C::char_type>
std::enable_if< is_constructible< basic_string_view< Char >, T >::value &&!internal::is_string< T >::value, init< C, basic_string_view< Char >, string_type > >::type make_value (const T &val)
template<typename C , typename T , typename Char = typename C::char_type>
std::enable_if< !convert_to_int< T, Char >::value &&!std::is_same< T, Char >::value &&!std::is_convertible< T, basic_string_view< Char > >::value &&!is_constructible< basic_string_view< Char >, T >::value &&!internal::is_string< T >::value, init< C, const T &, custom_type > >::type make_value (const T &val)
template<typename C , typename T >
init< C, const void *, named_arg_typemake_value (const named_arg< T, typename C::char_type > &val)
template<typename C , typename S >
std::enable_if< internal::is_string< S >::value, init< C, basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >, string_type > >::type make_value (const S &val)
template<typename Context >
unsigned long long get_types ()
template<typename Context , typename Arg , typename... Args>
unsigned long long get_types ()
template<bool IS_PACKED, typename Context , typename T >
std::enable_if< IS_PACKED, value< Context > >::type make_arg (const T &value)
template<bool IS_PACKED, typename Context , typename T >
std::enable_if<!IS_PACKED, basic_format_arg< Context > >::type make_arg (const T &value)
template<typename... Args, typename S >
std::enable_if<!is_compile_string< S >::value >::type check_format_string (const S &)
template<typename... Args, typename S >
std::enable_if< is_compile_string< S >::value >::type check_format_string (S)
template<typename Char >
std::basic_string< Char > vformat (basic_string_view< Char > format_str, basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type > args)
template<typename Char >
buffer_context< Char >::type::iterator vformat_to (internal::basic_buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > format_str, basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type > args)
template<typename Char >
Char thousands_sep_impl (locale_ref loc)
fp operator- (fp x, fp y)
fp operator* (fp x, fp y)
fp get_cached_power (int min_exponent, int &pow10_exponent)
bool grisu2_round (char *buf, int &size, int max_digits, uint64_t delta, uint64_t remainder, uint64_t exp, uint64_t diff, int &exp10)
bool grisu2_gen_digits (char *buf, int &size, uint32_t hi, uint64_t lo, int &exp, uint64_t delta, const fp &one, const fp &diff, int max_digits)
template<typename Handler >
void write_exponent (int exp, Handler &&h)
template<typename Handler >
void grisu2_prettify (const gen_digits_params &params, int size, int exp, Handler &&handler)
gen_digits_params process_specs (const core_format_specs &specs, int exp, buffer &buf)
template<typename Double >
std::enable_if< sizeof(Double)==sizeof(uint64_t), bool >::type grisu2_format (Double value, buffer &buf, core_format_specs specs)
template<typename Double >
void sprintf_format (Double value, internal::buffer &buf, core_format_specs spec)
template<typename Dest , typename Source >
Dest bit_cast (const Source &source)
template<typename C >
auto begin (const C &c) -> decltype(c.begin())
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T * begin (T(&array)[N]) throw ()
template<typename C >
auto end (const C &c) -> decltype(c.end())
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T * end (T(&array)[N]) throw ()
dummy_int isinf (...)
dummy_int _finite (...)
dummy_int isnan (...)
dummy_int _isnan (...)
template<typename Allocator >
Allocator::value_type * allocate (Allocator &alloc, std::size_t n)
template<typename T >
const_check (T value)
template<typename T >
T * make_checked (T *p, std::size_t)
template<typename Container >
std::enable_if< is_contiguous< Container >::value, typename checked< typename Container::value_type >::type >::type reserve (std::back_insert_iterator< Container > &it, std::size_t n)
template<typename Iterator >
Iterator & reserve (Iterator &it, std::size_t)
template<typename Char >
const Char * pointer_from (null_terminating_iterator< Char > it)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, bool >::type is_negative (T value)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< !std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, bool >::type is_negative (T)
int count_digits (uint64_t n)
template<typename Char >
size_t count_code_points (basic_string_view< Char > s)
size_t count_code_points (basic_string_view< char8_t > s)
char8_t to_char8_t (char c)
template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt >
std::enable_if< !needs_conversion< InputIt, OutChar >::value, OutputIt >::type copy_str (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt it)
template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt >
std::enable_if< needs_conversion< InputIt, OutChar >::value, OutputIt >::type copy_str (InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt it)
template<typename Handler >
char * lg (uint32_t n, Handler h)
template<typename Char >
Char thousands_sep (locale_ref loc)
wchar_t thousands_sep (locale_ref loc)
template<typename UInt , typename Char , typename ThousandsSep >
Char * format_decimal (Char *buffer, UInt value, int num_digits, ThousandsSep thousands_sep)
template<typename OutChar , typename UInt , typename Iterator , typename ThousandsSep >
Iterator format_decimal (Iterator out, UInt value, int num_digits, ThousandsSep sep)
template<typename OutChar , typename It , typename UInt >
It format_decimal (It out, UInt value, int num_digits)
template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename UInt >
Char * format_uint (Char *buffer, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false)
template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename It , typename UInt >
It format_uint (It out, UInt value, int num_digits, bool upper=false)
template<typename Double >
std::enable_if< sizeof(Double)!=sizeof(uint64_t), bool >::type grisu2_format (Double, buffer &, core_format_specs)
template<typename Handler >
void handle_int_type_spec (char spec, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Handler >
void handle_float_type_spec (char spec, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename Handler >
void handle_char_specs (const basic_format_specs< Char > *specs, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename Handler >
void handle_cstring_type_spec (Char spec, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
void check_string_type_spec (Char spec, ErrorHandler &&eh)
template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
void check_pointer_type_spec (Char spec, ErrorHandler &&eh)
template<typename Char >
bool is_name_start (Char c)
template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
unsigned parse_nonnegative_int (const Char *&begin, const Char *end, ErrorHandler &&eh)
template<template< typename > class Handler, typename T , typename Context , typename ErrorHandler >
void set_dynamic_spec (T &value, basic_format_arg< Context > arg, ErrorHandler eh)
template<typename Char , typename IDHandler >
const Char * parse_arg_id (const Char *begin, const Char *end, IDHandler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char * parse_align (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char * parse_width (const Char *begin, const Char *end, Handler &&handler)
template<typename Char , typename SpecHandler >
const Char * parse_format_specs (const Char *begin, const Char *end, SpecHandler &&handler)
template<bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename T , typename Ptr = const T*>
bool find (Ptr first, Ptr last, T value, Ptr &out)
bool find< false, char > (const char *first, const char *last, char value, const char *&out)
template<bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename Char , typename Handler >
void parse_format_string (basic_string_view< Char > format_str, Handler &&handler)
template<typename T , typename ParseContext >
const ParseContext::char_type * parse_format_specs (ParseContext &ctx)
template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler , typename... Args>
bool do_check_format_string (basic_string_view< Char > s, ErrorHandler eh=ErrorHandler())
template<template< typename > class Handler, typename Spec , typename Context >
void handle_dynamic_spec (Spec &value, arg_ref< typename Context::char_type > ref, Context &ctx)
template<typename Char >
buffer_context< Char >::type::iterator vformat_to (const std::locale &loc, basic_buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > format_str, basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type > args)
template<typename Char >
std::basic_string< Char > vformat (const std::locale &loc, basic_string_view< Char > format_str, basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type > args)
template<typename Char >
void write (std::basic_ostream< Char > &os, basic_buffer< Char > &buf)
template<typename Char , typename T >
void format_value (basic_buffer< Char > &buffer, const T &value)
template<typename T >
const T * pointer_from (const T *p)
template<typename Iterator , typename ErrorHandler >
unsigned parse_nonnegative_int (Iterator &it, ErrorHandler &&eh)
template<typename T , typename Context , typename Char >
void convert_arg (basic_format_arg< Context > &arg, Char type)
template<typename Char , typename Context >
void printf (basic_buffer< Char > &buf, basic_string_view< Char > format, basic_format_args< Context > args)
template<typename RangeT , typename OutputIterator >
void copy (const RangeT &range, OutputIterator out)
template<typename OutputIterator >
void copy (const char *str, OutputIterator out)
template<typename OutputIterator >
void copy (char ch, OutputIterator out)
null localtime_r (...)
null localtime_s (...)
null gmtime_r (...)
null gmtime_s (...)
std::size_t strftime (char *str, std::size_t count, const char *format, const std::tm *time)
std::size_t strftime (wchar_t *str, std::size_t count, const wchar_t *format, const std::tm *time)

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 291 of file core.h.

Definition at line 764 of file format.h.

typedef std::numeric_limits<internal::dummy_int> fmt::v5::internal::fputil

Definition at line 272 of file format.h.

typedef std::conditional<sizeof(long) == sizeof(int), int, long long>::type fmt::v5::internal::long_type

Definition at line 661 of file core.h.

typedef std::conditional<sizeof(unsigned long) == sizeof(unsigned), unsigned, unsigned long long>::type fmt::v5::internal::ulong_type

Definition at line 665 of file core.h.

Definition at line 292 of file core.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 769 of file core.h.

anonymous enum : unsigned long long

Definition at line 770 of file core.h.


Definition at line 23 of file chrono.h.


Definition at line 530 of file core.h.

Function Documentation

dummy_int fmt::v5::internal::_finite (   ...)

Definition at line 277 of file format.h.

dummy_int fmt::v5::internal::_isnan (   ...)

Definition at line 279 of file format.h.

template<typename Allocator >
Allocator::value_type* fmt::v5::internal::allocate ( Allocator &  alloc,
std::size_t  n 

Definition at line 282 of file format.h.

template<typename C >
auto fmt::v5::internal::begin ( const C &  c) -> decltype(c.begin())

Definition at line 251 of file format.h.

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T* fmt::v5::internal::begin ( T(&)  array[N])
throw (

Definition at line 255 of file format.h.

template<typename Dest , typename Source >
Dest fmt::v5::internal::bit_cast ( const Source &  source)

Definition at line 242 of file format.h.

template<typename... Args, typename S >
std::enable_if<!is_compile_string<S>::value>::type fmt::v5::internal::check_format_string ( const S &  )

Definition at line 1352 of file core.h.

template<typename... Args, typename S >
std::enable_if< is_compile_string< S >::value >::type fmt::v5::internal::check_format_string ( format_str)

Definition at line 2119 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
void fmt::v5::internal::check_pointer_type_spec ( Char  spec,
ErrorHandler &&  eh 

Definition at line 1210 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
void fmt::v5::internal::check_string_type_spec ( Char  spec,
ErrorHandler &&  eh 

Definition at line 1204 of file format.h.

template<typename T >
T fmt::v5::internal::const_check ( value)

Definition at line 293 of file format.h.

template<typename T , typename Context , typename Char >
void fmt::v5::internal::convert_arg ( basic_format_arg< Context > &  arg,
Char  type 

Definition at line 259 of file printf.h.

template<typename RangeT , typename OutputIterator >
void fmt::v5::internal::copy ( const RangeT &  range,
OutputIterator  out 

Definition at line 58 of file ranges.h.

template<typename OutputIterator >
void fmt::v5::internal::copy ( const char *  str,
OutputIterator  out 

Definition at line 64 of file ranges.h.

template<typename OutputIterator >
void fmt::v5::internal::copy ( char  ch,
OutputIterator  out 

Definition at line 72 of file ranges.h.

template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt >
std::enable_if< !needs_conversion<InputIt, OutChar>::value, OutputIt>::type fmt::v5::internal::copy_str ( InputIt  begin,
InputIt  end,
OutputIt  it 

Definition at line 810 of file format.h.

template<typename OutChar , typename InputIt , typename OutputIt >
std::enable_if< needs_conversion<InputIt, OutChar>::value, OutputIt>::type fmt::v5::internal::copy_str ( InputIt  begin,
InputIt  end,
OutputIt  it 

Definition at line 817 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
size_t fmt::v5::internal::count_code_points ( basic_string_view< Char >  s)

Definition at line 794 of file format.h.

size_t fmt::v5::internal::count_code_points ( basic_string_view< char8_t s)

Definition at line 197 of file format-inl.h.

int fmt::v5::internal::count_digits ( uint64_t  n)

Definition at line 777 of file format.h.

template<typename T >
std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type fmt::v5::internal::declval ( )
throw (
template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler , typename... Args>
bool fmt::v5::internal::do_check_format_string ( basic_string_view< Char >  s,
ErrorHandler  eh = ErrorHandler() 

Definition at line 2110 of file format.h.

template<typename C >
auto fmt::v5::internal::end ( const C &  c) -> decltype(c.end())

Definition at line 257 of file format.h.

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T* fmt::v5::internal::end ( T(&)  array[N])
throw (

Definition at line 259 of file format.h.

template<bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename T , typename Ptr = const T*>
bool fmt::v5::internal::find ( Ptr  first,
Ptr  last,
Ptr &  out 

Definition at line 1970 of file format.h.

bool fmt::v5::internal::find< false, char > ( const char *  first,
const char *  last,
char  value,
const char *&  out 

Definition at line 1979 of file format.h.

template<typename UInt , typename Char , typename ThousandsSep >
Char* fmt::v5::internal::format_decimal ( Char *  buffer,
UInt  value,
int  num_digits,
ThousandsSep  thousands_sep 

Definition at line 958 of file format.h.

template<typename OutChar , typename UInt , typename Iterator , typename ThousandsSep >
Iterator fmt::v5::internal::format_decimal ( Iterator  out,
UInt  value,
int  num_digits,
ThousandsSep  sep 

Definition at line 987 of file format.h.

template<typename OutChar , typename It , typename UInt >
It fmt::v5::internal::format_decimal ( It  out,
UInt  value,
int  num_digits 

Definition at line 1000 of file format.h.

template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename UInt >
Char* fmt::v5::internal::format_uint ( Char *  buffer,
UInt  value,
int  num_digits,
bool  upper = false 

Definition at line 1005 of file format.h.

template<unsigned BASE_BITS, typename Char , typename It , typename UInt >
It fmt::v5::internal::format_uint ( It  out,
UInt  value,
int  num_digits,
bool  upper = false 

Definition at line 1019 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename T >
void fmt::v5::internal::format_value ( basic_buffer< Char > &  buffer,
const T &  value 

Definition at line 91 of file ostream.h.

template<typename Char >
void fmt::v5::internal::fputs ( const Char *  chars,
FILE *  stream 
throw (

Definition at line 486 of file color.h.

void fmt::v5::internal::fputs< wchar_t > ( const wchar_t *  chars,
FILE *  stream 
throw (

Definition at line 491 of file color.h.

fp fmt::v5::internal::get_cached_power ( int  min_exponent,
int &  pow10_exponent 

Definition at line 453 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Container >
Container& fmt::v5::internal::get_container ( std::back_insert_iterator< Container >  it)

Definition at line 313 of file core.h.

template<typename Context >
unsigned long long fmt::v5::internal::get_types ( )

Definition at line 1051 of file core.h.

template<typename Context , typename Arg , typename... Args>
unsigned long long fmt::v5::internal::get_types ( )

Definition at line 1054 of file core.h.

null fmt::v5::internal::gmtime_r (   ...)

Definition at line 24 of file time.h.

null fmt::v5::internal::gmtime_s (   ...)

Definition at line 25 of file time.h.

template<typename Double >
std::enable_if< sizeof(Double)==sizeof(uint64_t), bool >::type fmt::v5::internal::grisu2_format ( Double  value,
buffer buf,
core_format_specs  specs 

Definition at line 716 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Double >
std::enable_if<sizeof(Double) != sizeof(uint64_t), bool>::type fmt::v5::internal::grisu2_format ( Double  ,
buffer ,

Definition at line 1134 of file format.h.

bool fmt::v5::internal::grisu2_gen_digits ( char *  buf,
int &  size,
uint32_t  hi,
uint64_t  lo,
int &  exp,
uint64_t  delta,
const fp one,
const fp diff,
int  max_digits 

Definition at line 484 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::grisu2_prettify ( const gen_digits_params params,
int  size,
int  exp,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 619 of file format-inl.h.

bool fmt::v5::internal::grisu2_round ( char *  buf,
int &  size,
int  max_digits,
uint64_t  delta,
uint64_t  remainder,
uint64_t  exp,
uint64_t  diff,
int &  exp10 

Definition at line 466 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Char , typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::handle_char_specs ( const basic_format_specs< Char > *  specs,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1184 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::handle_cstring_type_spec ( Char  spec,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1194 of file format.h.

template<template< typename > class Handler, typename Spec , typename Context >
void fmt::v5::internal::handle_dynamic_spec ( Spec &  value,
arg_ref< typename Context::char_type >  ref,
Context &  ctx 

Definition at line 2134 of file format.h.

template<typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::handle_float_type_spec ( char  spec,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1163 of file format.h.

template<typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::handle_int_type_spec ( char  spec,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1140 of file format.h.

bool fmt::v5::internal::is_arithmetic ( type  t)

Definition at line 545 of file core.h.

bool fmt::v5::internal::is_integral ( type  t)

Definition at line 540 of file core.h.

template<typename Char >
bool fmt::v5::internal::is_name_start ( Char  c)

Definition at line 1447 of file format.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type fmt::v5::internal::is_negative ( value)

Definition at line 727 of file format.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type fmt::v5::internal::is_negative ( )

Definition at line 732 of file format.h.

dummy_int fmt::v5::internal::isinf (   ...)

Definition at line 276 of file format.h.

dummy_int fmt::v5::internal::isnan (   ...)

Definition at line 278 of file format.h.

template<typename Handler >
char * fmt::v5::internal::lg ( uint32_t  n,
Handler  h 

Definition at line 832 of file format.h.

null fmt::v5::internal::localtime_r (   ...)

Definition at line 22 of file time.h.

null fmt::v5::internal::localtime_s (   ...)

Definition at line 23 of file time.h.

template<typename Context , typename T >
basic_format_arg< Context > fmt::v5::internal::make_arg ( const T &  value)

Definition at line 1059 of file core.h.

template<bool IS_PACKED, typename Context , typename T >
std::enable_if<IS_PACKED, value<Context> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_arg ( const T &  value)

Definition at line 1068 of file core.h.

template<bool IS_PACKED, typename Context , typename T >
std::enable_if<!IS_PACKED, basic_format_arg<Context> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_arg ( const T &  value)

Definition at line 1074 of file core.h.

template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape<Char> fmt::v5::internal::make_background_color ( internal::color_type  background)
throw (

Definition at line 475 of file color.h.

template<typename T >
T* fmt::v5::internal::make_checked ( T *  p,

Definition at line 389 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape<Char> fmt::v5::internal::make_emphasis ( emphasis  em)
throw (

Definition at line 481 of file color.h.

template<typename Char >
ansi_color_escape<Char> fmt::v5::internal::make_foreground_color ( internal::color_type  foreground)
throw (

Definition at line 469 of file color.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, int , bool_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( bool  val)

Definition at line 652 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, int , int_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( short  val)

Definition at line 653 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, unsigned , uint_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned short  val)

Definition at line 654 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, int , int_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( int  val)

Definition at line 655 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, unsigned , uint_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned  val)

Definition at line 656 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, long_type , (sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) ? int_type : long_long_type) > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( long  val)

Definition at line 663 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, ulong_type , (sizeof(unsigned long) == sizeof(unsigned) ? uint_type : ulong_long_type) > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned long  val)

Definition at line 668 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, long long , long_long_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( long long  val)

Definition at line 670 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, unsigned long long , ulong_long_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned long long  val)

Definition at line 671 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, int , int_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( signed char  val)

Definition at line 672 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, unsigned , uint_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned char  val)

Definition at line 673 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename Char >
std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename C::char_type, Char>::value, init<C, int, char_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( Char  val)

Definition at line 679 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
std::enable_if< !std::is_same<typename C::char_type, char>::value, init<C, int, char_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( char  val)

Definition at line 684 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, double , double_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( float  val)

Definition at line 686 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, double , double_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( double  val)

Definition at line 687 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, long double , long_double_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( long double  val)

Definition at line 688 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const typename C::char_type* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( typename C::char_type *  val)

Definition at line 693 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const typename C::char_type* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const typename C::char_type *  val)

Definition at line 695 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const signed char* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( signed char *  val)

Definition at line 697 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const signed char* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const signed char *  val)

Definition at line 698 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const unsigned char* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( unsigned char *  val)

Definition at line 699 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const unsigned char* , cstring_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const unsigned char *  val)

Definition at line 700 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, basic_string_view<typename C::char_type> , string_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >  val)

Definition at line 701 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, basic_string_view<typename C::char_type> , string_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( typename basic_string_view< typename C::char_type >::type  val)

Definition at line 704 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, basic_string_view<typename C::char_type> , string_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const std::basic_string< typename C::char_type > &  val)

Definition at line 706 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const void* , pointer_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( void *  val)

Definition at line 707 of file core.h.

template<typename C >
init<C, const void* , pointer_type > fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const void *  val)

Definition at line 708 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, typename C::char_type>::value>::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const T *  )

Definition at line 720 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_enum<T>::value && convert_to_int<T, typename C::char_type>::value, init<C, int, int_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const T &  val)

Definition at line 728 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename T , typename Char = typename C::char_type>
std::enable_if< is_constructible<basic_string_view<Char>, T>::value && !internal::is_string<T>::value, init<C, basic_string_view<Char>, string_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const T &  val)

Definition at line 735 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename T , typename Char = typename C::char_type>
std::enable_if< !convert_to_int<T, Char>::value && !std::is_same<T, Char>::value && !std::is_convertible<T, basic_string_view<Char> >::value && !is_constructible<basic_string_view<Char>, T>::value && !internal::is_string<T>::value, init<C, const T &, custom_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const T &  val)

Definition at line 746 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename T >
init<C, const void*, named_arg_type> fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const named_arg< T, typename C::char_type > &  val)

Definition at line 750 of file core.h.

template<typename C , typename S >
std::enable_if< internal::is_string<S>::value, init<C, basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>, string_type> >::type fmt::v5::internal::make_value ( const S &  val)

Definition at line 760 of file core.h.

fp fmt::v5::internal::operator* ( fp  x,
fp  y 

Definition at line 442 of file format-inl.h.

fp fmt::v5::internal::operator- ( fp  x,
fp  y 

Definition at line 429 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char* fmt::v5::internal::parse_align ( const Char *  begin,
const Char *  end,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1847 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename IDHandler >
const Char* fmt::v5::internal::parse_arg_id ( const Char *  begin,
const Char *  end,
IDHandler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1786 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char* fmt::v5::internal::parse_chrono_format ( const Char *  begin,
const Char *  end,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 31 of file chrono.h.

template<typename Char , typename SpecHandler >
const Char* fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_specs ( const Char *  begin,
const Char *  end,
SpecHandler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1903 of file format.h.

template<typename T , typename ParseContext >
const ParseContext::char_type* fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_specs ( ParseContext &  ctx)

Definition at line 2053 of file format.h.

template<bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename Char , typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_string ( basic_string_view< Char >  format_str,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1999 of file format.h.

template<typename Iterator , typename ErrorHandler >
unsigned fmt::v5::internal::parse_nonnegative_int ( Iterator &  it,
ErrorHandler &&  eh 

Definition at line 116 of file printf.h.

template<typename Char , typename ErrorHandler >
unsigned fmt::v5::internal::parse_nonnegative_int ( const Char *&  begin,
const Char *  end,
ErrorHandler &&  eh 

Definition at line 1454 of file format.h.

template<typename Char , typename Handler >
const Char* fmt::v5::internal::parse_width ( const Char *  begin,
const Char *  end,
Handler &&  handler 

Definition at line 1884 of file format.h.

template<typename T >
const T* fmt::v5::internal::pointer_from ( const T *  p)

Definition at line 104 of file printf.h.

template<typename Char >
const Char * fmt::v5::internal::pointer_from ( null_terminating_iterator< Char >  it)

Definition at line 107 of file printf.h.

template<typename Char , typename Context >
void fmt::v5::internal::printf ( basic_buffer< Char > &  buf,
basic_string_view< Char >  format,
basic_format_args< Context >  args 

Definition at line 321 of file printf.h.

gen_digits_params fmt::v5::internal::process_specs ( const core_format_specs specs,
int  exp,
buffer buf 

Definition at line 673 of file format-inl.h.

template<typename Container >
std::enable_if< is_contiguous<Container>::value, typename checked<typename Container::value_type>::type>::type fmt::v5::internal::reserve ( std::back_insert_iterator< Container > &  it,
std::size_t  n 

Definition at line 596 of file format.h.

template<typename Iterator >
Iterator& fmt::v5::internal::reserve ( Iterator &  it,

Definition at line 604 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
void fmt::v5::internal::reset_color ( FILE *  stream)
throw (

Definition at line 496 of file color.h.

void fmt::v5::internal::reset_color< wchar_t > ( FILE *  stream)
throw (

Definition at line 501 of file color.h.

template<template< typename > class Handler, typename T , typename Context , typename ErrorHandler >
void fmt::v5::internal::set_dynamic_spec ( T &  value,
basic_format_arg< Context >  arg,
ErrorHandler  eh 

Definition at line 1654 of file format.h.

template<typename Double >
void fmt::v5::internal::sprintf_format ( Double  value,
internal::buffer buf,
core_format_specs  spec 

Definition at line 764 of file format-inl.h.

std::size_t fmt::v5::internal::strftime ( char *  str,
std::size_t  count,
const char *  format,
const std::tm *  time 

Definition at line 104 of file time.h.

std::size_t fmt::v5::internal::strftime ( wchar_t *  str,
std::size_t  count,
const wchar_t *  format,
const std::tm *  time 

Definition at line 109 of file time.h.

template<typename Char >
Char fmt::v5::internal::thousands_sep ( locale_ref  loc)

Definition at line 945 of file format.h.

wchar_t fmt::v5::internal::thousands_sep ( locale_ref  loc)

Definition at line 950 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
Char fmt::v5::internal::thousands_sep_impl ( locale_ref  loc)

Definition at line 222 of file format-inl.h.

char8_t fmt::v5::internal::to_char8_t ( char  c)

Definition at line 799 of file format.h.

template<typename Int >
int fmt::v5::internal::to_int ( Int  value)

Definition at line 214 of file chrono.h.

dummy_string_view fmt::v5::internal::to_string_view (   ...)
template<typename Int >
std::make_unsigned<Int>::type fmt::v5::internal::to_unsigned ( Int  value)

Definition at line 208 of file core.h.

template<typename Char >
std::basic_string<Char> fmt::v5::internal::vformat ( const std::locale &  loc,
basic_string_view< Char >  format_str,
basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type args 

Definition at line 28 of file locale.h.

template<typename Char >
std::basic_string< Char > fmt::v5::internal::vformat ( basic_string_view< Char >  format_str,
basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type args 

Definition at line 3410 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
buffer_context<Char>::type::iterator fmt::v5::internal::vformat_to ( const std::locale &  loc,
basic_buffer< Char > &  buf,
basic_string_view< Char >  format_str,
basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type args 

Definition at line 18 of file locale.h.

template<typename Char >
buffer_context< Char >::type::iterator fmt::v5::internal::vformat_to ( internal::basic_buffer< Char > &  buf,
basic_string_view< Char >  format_str,
basic_format_args< typename buffer_context< Char >::type args 

Definition at line 3233 of file format.h.

template<typename Char >
void fmt::v5::internal::write ( std::basic_ostream< Char > &  os,
basic_buffer< Char > &  buf 

Definition at line 76 of file ostream.h.

template<typename Handler >
void fmt::v5::internal::write_exponent ( int  exp,
Handler &&  h 

Definition at line 587 of file format-inl.h.